

Science Brook A ——应用领域:牙膏或其他膏体类个人护理产品
For toothpaste or other personal care product such as shampoo, facial cleanser, body wash

技术指标 Tchnical Parameters


  应用说明:牙膏中加入适量 Science Brook A 可明显改善膏体的粘度、稳定性、流变性能,即使产品 在较大环境温度范围内储存、使用,膏体的稳定性几乎不发生任何变化。还可改善牙膏的拉丝现象, 为牙膏的生产、灌装、使用提供了极大的方便。并且,由天然膨润土改性而成的该产品与体系其他 组分不发生化学反应,可与体系良好配伍。Science Brook A 可广泛使用于牙膏或者其他个人护理产 品中,如洗发水、洗面奶、沐浴露等。推荐用量为 1%~5%,用户也可根据实际需求调整。

  Guide: Adding Science Brook A could optimize the viscosity, stabilizing, rheology of the system, even if the surroundings temperature largely changed。It can improve the stringy nature of the toothpaste. Typical addition amount is between 1% and 5%, It can be adjusted in a certain range according to your requirements.

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